Endeavor to consistently generate ALPHA by creating bespoke portfolios & investing in current & emerging leaders with a turnaround factor in common through Turtle’s quant-based investing process.
Driven by data, our investment strategy minimizes human bias through a structured, objective process.
We create Bespoke portfolios, tailoring each investment to meet specific client needs. We continuously Select, Allocate, and Review investments through our Trademark P.P.P. (Price, Profit, and People) investment process.
Product Features
Seeking personalized investment solution
Direct Access to the Fund Manager
Priority Access to Special Situation Opportunity
Market Capitalization
Large Cap
Mid Cap
Small Cap
Cash & ETF
Sector wise allocation
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Performance Chart
Profit Mantra PMS Fund VS S&P BSE 500 TRI
No Data Found
Performance Data is as on February 28, 2025. | Figures are inclusive of Fees, Taxes and other charges. | Returns have been calculated using Time Weighted Rate of Return method (TWRR) as prescribed by the SEBI. | Past performance does not guarantee future returns. | Above performance data is not verified by SEBI | SEBI Reg No: INP000006758.
PMS Fund details
Minimum Investment
5 Cr.
Investing Approach
Quant Based
Fund Manager
Mr. Rohan Mehta
Fund Manager
Rohan Mehta
CEO & Fund Manager
MBA with 20 Years of Experience in Equity Markets.
Proficient in Quant Investing, generated more than 21% CAGR Returns